March 14, 2009

Just a lil R&R :)

Allo poppitss,

First-Mongeese.You are amazing and I can't believe the experiences you've had already! LiKe WoAAhhH.AHHHH I'm so happy that you have good people around you and your pictures are seriously insane so far.It's making me want to scrounge together some funds and come visit you.eeeee.

I've been enjoying my time at home being seriously the laziest biddy ever. I HAVE woken up before 10 on some mom has made me go walking with her which has been nice, I went running once, and have also gone to yoga.ohhmmm.I like it,it's so hard haha. Anyways. Good bonding time with mommy and the brothers.The little one has been kind of bitchy lately and is like refusing to help out around the house.Obviously my claws came out and I had to put him in his of course we always end up hugging/playing and I actually tried to pick him up over my shoulder. I like can't do it.I can't stop laughing enough to actually be strong enough to do it hahahah.Mabes one day.

I have gone tanning once and I'm gonna go again.I know it's bad but really for like the first two days I was home I looked in the mirror and wanted to gag.Ahahha.Everyone looks betta with a little colaahh. Ummm what else. I have not looked at anything school related which is prob gonna bite me in the ass.I have to go to court for my friggin ticket on Monday so I think I'm just gonna skip all my classes.Good deal, right? Right!!
It's been pretty nice weather here for the break which is good. It's sunny and some days have actually been WARM. I'm so psyched for spring/summer weather its ridic. Mongeese do not comment on the fact that you are probably SWEATING just standing still in Australia. I wanna sweat dammit.heheh.

I wrote the S-bomb an e-mail but haven't sent it's basically just me being like yo whats going on, i don't know what you think,but this is what i think, sooo.yeah. It's really poorly written cuz I don't know how to make it all sound ok written down but I felt better writing it. BOO YAH.

Playground D is home.and was telling me how he wants to make out with me last night but we were in the middle of the living room (we had peeps over) and he was like...ahh fuck.
"you know I want to, I have to leave before I make a fool of myself" bahahah.
I drank, did not get drunk which was slightly disappointing but also nice.I haven't drank since school.So weiiird hahhahah.I took a hit of a bowlioo but that didn't do anything.

What other updates?! HAMENTASHEN (yeah I may have spelled that wrong).So I went food shopping with mom the other day because we've had NO FOOD in this house.Seriously, it's been brutal. And we picked up Matzoh, Hamentashen cookies, and some like israeli pickles or something. Shalom, L'chaim! Lie on my toes Mongeese<3 style="font-style: italic;">think I want to go lighter...the Docta suggested blondey and I wanna see how light I could go. This could be bad.hahahahhaha.

UmmMmmMMMmm.Kate's coming back from visiting her bf today...I wonder if I'll see her. I want to.and hey I mean I was here this whole week and didn't.We're both gay. I don't know why I can't just make the plans happen but it's awkward you know? Like I don't want it to feel forced.Poop.I may need advice.

Um Ginger is hacking up a lung right mom thinks she's allergic to our house hahha.
Mongeese you would be so disgusted looking at her.I can see your face now!

Speaking of seeing faces..I wanna see your fucking face on my fucking computer.
I need to get my ass to buy a camera, or just borrow Kittys.MMmM yes borrowing. So hot right now.

Wow I feel like I wrote a lot..ohh umm.I made really good cookies-like probs one of the best batches ever. They're all gone, and were gone the day after I baked them haha. I should just bake cooks for the rest of my life.Care to invest?

OHH. SO my Singing Friend (lets call her Diva...girls you know who I'm talking about) has a new man. There's this kid that's like in LOVE with her...literally TOLD her that he loves her.Isn't that whack? He's cute...except hes like 5'8 apparently and she's pretty tall.Well not that tall but you know what she's like. He's short-ish and blonde with blue eyes.Just the description reminds me of the Chad.gah.ahhahaha
But yeah he's like legit lovin her and being great and honest and doesn't pressure her at all. I hope it's not too good to be true. EEeEEee. Love is in the aiiiirrrr
I wanna go down to visit her and find myself a nice Southern boy. Yesssireee bob!

Mongeese are you listening to good music? I may sound dumb but like do they listen to all the same kind of stuff? BTW PEREZ. BRAD AND ANGELINA?! Is my wish coming true??!?! She apparently caught him giving the nanny (aka me,jk) a back rub and slapped him and kicked the nanny out. I do not like Angelina at allllllll.And then Jen Aniston and Mayer breakin up? wowie.
Maybe Brad and Jen will be back together again-like nature intended.hahha

Also Mongeese, I am so jealous you are around new guys.I'm done pretending that maybe there's a good one at our school, cuz, obviously, there is not.hahah. At least not any good enough.

Aright I guess I should go shower and stuff, it is currently 2:03 and I'm in my pjs, just had some tea, kicking back you know you know. My mom's going to a party in the city tonight..not a rave..her friend's mom's birthday. She's like exactly dancing on tables. But you never knoowowoo.

oh and DUH the reason I decided to post when I did...I was helping my mom rearrange cabinets in the kitchen (yeah awesome) and I found a packet of OLD BAY SEASONING.
I had to run and immediately "talk" to you.hahaha.

Oh PS my mom made corned beef and excited for dindindindindidn.

So the summing up of my spring break? I love self reflection periods at home where all I am doing is relaxing, hanging with the fam, and not being stressed at all. Feels sooo gooodd..except for one morning where I had to take a cold shower cuz the heater wasn't working.but it's fixed now and I took it as an experience to face my fears and brave that cold! Hard nipples and all!

Ok so next time we're all together..BATHING SUITS 24/7. that means we're all gonna have hottie bodies and can be those dumb bitches who can wear like...cut off shorts with a bathing suit top and not feel like covering up. Can we do this? YES WE CANNN!
...of course this doesn't mean we're stopping intaking certain fine foods and drinks such as cheese, bread, wine, burrs, hard liquor. Can we do it? umm ok maybe not if we're eating that all the time...hahahhaha.

Wow..This post being long=result of me not talking to anyone for a week.
I hope you enjoy this. I am. I have my "O" face on right now.
seriously, you're the cheese to my nachos

Kisses (and more), lady yaya

March 13, 2009

oh and btw, we had shirts made in flo rida...

my shirt says "PARTY NAKED" (I wanted "kiss me, i'm wasted" but that print was sold out)

.................................... spring break 09. hehe

i hate you (but really love you)

okay, so this is me officially hating you, bitch. I am SO FUCKING JEALOUS. That sounds absolutely amazing and that post could not have made me more happy and proud (proud because of the boys of course). I'm pretty sure your rule for returning to the states (sex with two aussies) will not be a problem at all. I just wish I wasn't such a big baby and actually like signed up with you... DAMNIT. Well, maybe I'll have some crazy times in Peru (for a month... eh).

Anyshways, we got home from FLO RIDA spring break today. I am verrry verrry tired after the long week with 11 softball games. everything was pretty crazy though... we actually 'shit' ourselves out of our house that we were staying in. backed up the cess pool or something like that and the septic pipes burst in our basement and FILLED IT WITH PPOOOOOOOOOOOP. ew. so we moved half out to a best western, then all the way out, and a day later everything was fixed and we moved back in.

i got a decccc amount of color which I'm happy about I def have to hit up some tanning salons because Dani's sweet 16 is in a month. Adriana did sooo well in florida I was so proud of her, I think she might have rreaaaallllly showed up the other two pitchers... eeeeeeeee who knows ! There was quite a bit of younger guys and spring-breakers but I would have to say that they probably had a serious amount of STD's slashhhh would not remember speaking to us. i was actually talking to one guy and a girl on the team came up and was like "ummm she is 17!! LETS GO ALEX" and grabbed my arm and pulled me away which i could not help but love. the guy wasnt cute anyway but he was drunk and mad funny.

we should go down there one spring break though it seems liek so much fun. they have a hotel that we're not allowed to go near (but definitely did) and legit HUNDREDS of people outside on the beach drinking right out in public.. in the water.. on the sand.. in the boats.. music blasting, tons of guys/girls.. looks like an absolute shitshow (but obvi, not the shitshow that occurred in our place of RESIDENCE). Apparently, the guy at the pizza place told us, that every day at 1pm the firemen of the town come and put a tarp in this BIG ditch that they dig and FILL IT WITH BEER. Then, they put on funny skits and allow all the girls to jump in it basically. Um, oh hey, we would do that (question mark?) hahaha hehehehe.

but yeah thats about it. I may or may not be seeing tommy tomorrow (i'm going to go with not) but I texted him back and forth a couple times this week. Basically, he thinks i'm attempting to use him, which is basically true. I really feel no need to be dishonest or play games, so I kinda just put it out there. I actually came back with something you would all be proud of and told him that i guess the score would be even after he totally played me at the end of the summer. I don't really think he appreciated that but refused to comment because he said hes not fighting with me- so I'm pretty sure I pissed him off. But honestly, whatever. I haven't seen the kid in 7 months, and I want to see him, not to mention I am desperate for some ass.

Its not like I'm partying in Austrailia every night with constant ass-opportunities, damnit.
I wish i could actually afford to visit because I want your life right now.

i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much
be safe biddy mongeeeeeeeese!!

see you yaya and dre in like 2 days.


ps- i'm goinnn to be 21 in like a month. and geeeseey in less than a month (although that obviiiiii doesnt matter over there). Maybe i will meet a real man? PROBS NOT.


so i just wanna say that your trip sounds amazing so far and i am sooo jealous haha im glad your having so much fun and meeting nice ppl and hot irishmen...did they have accents?? i hope they did haha but hearing about your good time makes me very excited for next semester when im in italia!

but 3 men in one night...let me say i am impressed!! haha i love that that happened and i cant wait to take a webcam tour of ur living space...ugh im so jealous that your having fun and im sitting at home bored as hell haha ohh mongeese i knew you'd schlove austrlia...but next time u get with 3 men in one of them has to be aussie haha

but im mad tired from the traveling and shiz i did today (got back from flo rida this afternoon) so im gonna head to my roomie now watch some tv w my puppy and go to you biddies gonna have kitty update you on florida cause im too lazy to do it :)

peace and love, Docta Ew <3

March 7, 2009

here in OZ

So lemme just first say that last night I wrote like a really long blog, but then I passed out so I lost it all!!! I was hoping that when I turned on my computer it would all come back, but no friggin luck. So now I’ll rewrite it all for you biddies cuz I love you so much :D

Okay so first a little bit of housekeeping in regards to the previous posts:

1. kitty- I cannot believe that you are conversing with one mr. tommy fuckup solar. Buuuut I suppose if it makes you happy and he doesn’t fuck up again, I’ll accept it. He’s on thin ice tho buddy….

2. i love that you guys are having crazy alcohol/food adventures. the softball initiations sounded like a lot of fun!

3. dre- awesome for having more sexy timee. ghey that he's ruining good sex with emotions and feelings and stuff. guys these days- seriously wats going on with them ?!?

4. yaya- thanks for the flight message. i didnt get to sit next to any aussies but i did meet a couple people from my orientation group thingie. actually i havent met very many aussies at all. where i live (coogee beach; btw my address here is 23-25 alfreda street, coogee beach NSW 2034 australia) it's mostly international students and other people. so i've actually met like greek and irish people (and lots of americans) rather than aussies :( ill do my bestest!

okay so now i'll just update you guys on what ive been up to for the past week:

so i arrived in victoria (state) and we drove to the city of sorrento on the outskirts of melbourne. sorrento is in between the bay and ocean and is kind of a vacation beach town. it's absolutely beautiful there (im going to try to upload my pictures today!!) we went to beach, hiked around the rocks/path, went stargazing, walked into town, and ended with a cruise around the bay. it was a really nice place... very relaxing.

next we went to melbourne and were able to walk around the city on our own. me and a few of the girls just walked around the main part of the city and around the yarra river. it was a really nice city. very modern and busy but relatively easy to move around through and finsd your way. i didnt really know what was in melbourne when i went, so we didnt really get to do any touristy things but it was still a lot of fun. at night we bought food and wine from grocery, ate that, and went to go play kings in a friends room, and went to a bar in federation square. it was a lot of fun. got pretty drunk and made friends with a greek guy who had been there for about 18 months. afterwards some of us went and got food at a sandwich place (i got fish and chips yummmm) and made friends with this drunk aussie. it was interestinggg lol but good fun. we went back, talked for a bit, and passed out.

we only spent one day in melbourne so the next day we flew into sydney. luckily we got transportation to our housing and got settled right in. my house isnt actuall like apartments tho thats how i thought it was going to be. itd 3 levels and is set up like a regular dorm. hallway, doubles and singles, common room and shared bathrooms, and a nice kitchen. its really not what i thought but its nice and all the people are really friendly and communityish. our room is a bit small but its big enough to hold our stuff and sleep in, etc. i'll lhave to take som pics of the place so you can see it or myabe if we ever webcam i can give you a little tour. the best part is our location... we are right across the street from a parl/field, bus stop, beach,and lots of restaurants/bars.its been really easy getting around. thank baby jesus.

so the first night we went to a local bar called the palace where they had a 2 dollar steak night. so for $8 we got a beer, steak, french fries, and a litle salad. it was cheap, good, and a lot of fun. after that we went with a friend and his roommate to the roommates cousins apartment. her apt was AMAZINGGG. it was closer to the city so it had an awesome view, it was huge, and very upscale furniture and stuff. it was really nicee. so after feeling kind of awkward in a room full of ppl i didnt know and being relatively sober we went to a bar in bondi junction called the eastern. this place was packedd and everyone was dressed up in their club outfits (looked really nice and some a little trashy maybe). they had a dance floor next to the bar and then upstairs was like a techno club. it was fun-- i wish i had been drunker but it was definitely an experience.

the next day, kat and i (katherine is my roommate. we met on the orientation thingie and i knew she was living in my house but we are actually roommates too. shes really nice, quiet sometimes but actually really outgoing and fun. she'll never be you bitties though haha. but it is nice to have someone to do things with etc.) went to the beach. i loveeee our beach. coogee is a lot smaller than bondi (bondi's like the leading famous beach in sydney. it's just north of us). i definitely have some picture so check them out. its just like summer time and being at the beach. it's really nice too because there's almost always a breeze right by the water so you never get over heated. we went in the water yesterday when we went to the beach and it was so refreshing and amazing. i really cant believe i'll be able to go to the beach any time i want for the next four months. its kind of insane.

so friday was our orientation day at uni. it was the regular boring orientation we had when we started college but they did have some useful info i guess. after that there was a free bbq at the unibar which ended up being a lot of fun too. one of the guys started a game of flip cup and we ended up playing with like 20 people on each team. it took forever but it was a lot of fun. i was like "wow. this is amazing. i am playing flip cup outside of my uni's bar, in the open sun, with a crazy amount of people, and it's hosted by my university (they were also giving us free shots of vodka and redbull). like how insane is that. the uni just finished telling us to be safe and work hard and then they give us free drinks and invite us to the bar!! australia is good. so good. lol!!

so then after that kat, 2 of our friends and one of their roommates, and i went to the aquarium in darling harbor. it was a lot of fun. saw some sharks, manatees (called dugongs), crocs, penquins and lots and lots of fishies. after the aquarium we got some food at a nearby place which i dont even know the name of. we went back to coogee, got ready, and went over a friends place to play some kings. oh and the ppl we were playing with (other americans) play by completely different rules then we play for kings. it made me feel really comfortable lol i did not like it. sam i am.

after pregaming we went down to a local bar at the coogee beach hotel. and before i say anything else... this was a crazzzzy night for me hereafter. so the bar had different rooms and we started in the beer garden just meeting up with people and chatting away. after a while we went into the dance room they have there and by then i was pretttty drunk lol. but like good level drunk (p.s. i have not thrown up yet!!) so i start dancing with this guy, who i cant remember his name but i know he said he was from greece). and everythings fine we are having a lot of fun. and then he starts like picking me up so im straddling him and grinding. good fun good fun. then we start making out (he was one of those shove his tongue down your throat kind of a guy). so this goes on whatever (p.s. my friend got a couple pictures of hooking up-- and i hate her lol) and then he starts like taking my hand and trying to like put it down his pants and stuff. like he def had a boner, like i could feel it from the outside of his pants, but i was not trying to jack him off here in front of my friends on the dance floor. ahaha!! so after escaping that he tries to put his hand down my pants, which admittedly was kinda nice haha but i had my period!!! so i def did not want him like straight up fingering me. so then i took my cue to leave, grabbed a friend and made her go to the toilet with me. hahaa

okay, so thennn tash, gal, and i (2 friends) went to the part of the bar where two guys were singing, and we were just goof dancing and singing along to them playing sweet home alabamba, take your mama out all night, brown eyed girl, etc. so muchhh fun lol made me think of our dance/singing parties at school. then we went back to the dance floor (in a diff spot tho) and i started dancind with this irish guy named chuck. proceed to laugh at his name here. lolol. so yeah we're dancing and i make out with him too. whooo! so if that wasn't bad enough later on tash and i (we're the only ones of our group left. and its like anywhere from 3-5 in the morning) went to the sports bar section because the other room were calming down and we were just gonna sit and try to get guys to buy us drinks lol. so we're sitting and this irish guy named christopher comes and talks. so funny story about him... when i first went into the dance room i walked in with him and was talking for a bit. and he asked if i wanted to dance and i was like yeah sure i just want to find my friends first. and yeah i never came back.

so basically i ditched him so he comes up and like is hitting on me hard core... we danced a little. and yesh i kissed him too. but not a lot cuz by then i felt like a ho fo sho lol. okay so then we're sitting- a couple of his buddies come up and sit with us- and then chuck comes up to the table with drinks..... ummm, awkward!!! so now two ppl ive hooked up with that night are sitting at the same table and it turned out that chuck had actually just arrived in australia and he's living with christopher!! ahahah small world right? so anyways, to make this really long story short. all four irish guys we sat with proceeded to hit on me. i got 3/4 of their numbers and 3/4 either tried kissing me or i actually did kiss them. we left at like 530 or something in the morning and i want to forget allll about that night lol!! but ya it was a lot of fun overall.

then yesterday was gay mardi gras in the city... it was sooo much fun. over half a million ppl dressed up in spandex, metallicness, glitter, and crazy makeup. the energy there was just so amazing tho. so we went and ate, grabbed some beer for the street, and just watched the ppl and the parade they had at night. very very cool. we went back to the hotel bar afterwards and ordered a few pitchers but we were all dead tired by like 12.

so now its sunday... still saturday night for you biddies... and i think we're going to go shopping for a few more things. we went out on the beach a bit but it started drizzling. sorry this post is so long and not exactly exciting but i thought i would update you! i miss you guys sooooo much. i really wish you could have came with me. but i hope you are having fun at drewu. im having an great time so far and am a little excitied to start class tomorrow. i will talk to you soon. keep bringing in the stories!!!! LOVE from australia

elephant juice,


March 1, 2009

OKAY. SO.. my life. is cool. Last night, although probably a bit too premeditated I texted the ex lova... It's been a year since we broke up (to the day... and on the 5th it would have been our 8 year anniversary. but that will never again be discussed. ever. again.) and I was feelin like saying hello, so of course I opened the convo asking for his dad's number because last time we spoke three weeks ago Mr. Awkward accidentally was texting my mom. COOL. So we ended up texting each other, for ... um... 7 hours? 10PM-530AM. so actually 7.5 hours. and I love him. and I hate him. and I hate myself for loving him. It's a mess.

But I have to say that he is the one who alluded to the fact that he missed me so that made me feel better, I told him I refuse to talk about the us nonsense because really, what the fuck is going to be solved anyway? Then of course he texts me this morning, 5 hours later at like 10, and we proceed to text the entire day. Like the doc said, he wants naked pictures of me, which I think is hysterical, because honestly- who is going to be the photographer? But whatever, I'm pretty sure we're gonna have some booty call action which is probably the worst idea / best idea ever because I need some action. He has the same spring break at us, and wants me to skip going to Florida because he might be returning to school before I get home next Friday. DAMNIT.

In lighter news, Doc and I made fools of ourselves last night for our 'team bonding' and I'm pretty sure our pals at the snackbar really enjoyed us running in with painted on unibrows and mustaches, boys hats on, and spandex shorts with crazy socks. I was pretty intoxicated so I'm not exactly sure what provoked me to be extra ridiculous than I already looked but we successfully got some chicken nuggets and TWO types of fries for the scavenger hunt. I probably can not show my face there ever again, but that's okay.

umm so I guess I'll get back to work? Or text exlova...? either way... BAD NEWS. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


oh the weekends

So this weekend came and went pretty quickly which is unfortunate becasue as usual, i have none of my work done! but whatever it was a pretty decent weekend here so I'm gonna try and do my best to recount the events...

Friday night...nothing really happened...we hung out in the townhouses...sat on the couch, yaya enjoyed an array of pretzels and then got shot in the face with a nerf gun by good ole kitty...not gonna lie it was pretty hysterical haha but once we got bored of the lame party we decided to get some late night food...yaya got a blt, kitty got a quesadilla, and i got some mozz sticks...but we decided it would be fun to talk to the workers there about our lives at college for prob like 15 was a good time...they pegged yaya as the drinker who threw things, said kitty was the loud one, and that I, of course, was the quiet drunk...i gotta work on that haha

but saturday night was a little bit better, even though we were ditched by yaya to go and visit her bro...but me and kitty were getting initiated so we had to dress like idiots--spandex, high socks, a vest, blue eyeshadow, pig tails, was awesome haha but we had to drink and chug some beers, do a little scavenger hunt which we should have won! but who the F owns the L-word and if they did would be willing to admit they had it and hand it over to some drunk girls

but Kitty later texted her ex and talked to him the whole night/has been talking to him the whole day...all he wants is some nudey pics...i think she should just do it haha but i did it again w didds which prob wasn't the best idea because the boy just "likes me so much and doesn't wanna be used for sex." like wtf is that about....i'm handing him sex on a plate and he wont take it because he needs to have an emotional connection too? i dont know it blows my mind

but whatever nothing more for me to really say...

peace and love, Docta Ew<3